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CHAA welcomes creative types of all kinds, whether you're a beginner, hobbyist or professional. And you don't need to be a resident of the Town of Cornwall or the Town of Highlands to join - just a love and appreciation for the Arts!​ Drawing, painting, collage, sculpture, photography, film, graphic design, illustration, animation, comic arts, video game design, music, acting, singing, dancing, poetry, writing, mixed media, crafting... there are so many ways to create! Whatever medium you work in, you're welcome to join. Also, know that our group is all-inclusive and apolitical.


The group has monthly meet-ups on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM, alternating between Cornwall and Highland Falls. Meet-ups typically include a talk or demonstration, free of charge for members. The group also has a Photo Salon that meets on the 1st Wednesday of every month at 6:30 in Highland Falls. The photo salon includes a photography-related talk or demonstration,  and CHAA members get a discounted rate. See the photo salon page for more information and a monthly agenda.



Membership is open to anyone age 13 and older, regardless of whether or not they are a resident of the Town of Cornwall or Town of Highlands. Student Artist memberships are available to high school students in grades 9 through 12, age 13 and older.


Membership dues help us to pay for the group's operating expenses, such as web hosting and maintenance, promotional material, etc. CHAA is a not-for-profit group and all funds are used solely for running Cornwall-Highlands Arts Alliance. 


* Does not include Highlands Photography Salon's Yearly Contributor Photography Exhibition.

** Membership dues are per calendar year, that is, January 1st through December 31st, with membership renewal every January. For those who join or renew after October 31st of the year, their membership will be active throughout the following year.

Member Artist

Student Artist


$40 per year**

  • Participation in two (2) group member exhibitions per year free of charge*

  • Meet-ups on the 4th Tuesday of each month with demonstrations and talks free of charge

  • Opportunity to exhibit at Leo's Restaurant in Cornwall

  • Member Directory on CHAA website

  • Priority given for exhibitions and events

  • Promotion of events in which members are involved that are not CHAA events (i.e. solo exhibitions)

  • Participation in two (2) group member exhibitions per year free of charge*

  • Meet-ups on the 4th Tuesday of each month with demonstrations and talks free of charge

  • Opportunity to exhibit at Leo's Restaurant in Cornwall

  • Member Directory on CHAA website

  • Priority given for exhibitions and events

  • Promotion of events in which members are involved that are not CHAA events (i.e. solo exhibitions)

  • Welcome to attend Meet-ups on the 4th Tuesday of each month with demonstrations and talks free of charge

  • Listed on CHAA website

  • Organizations and businesses at Supporter Level can have events promoted on CHAA social media and mailing list.

$15 per year**

$25 per year**

Group of member artists
Art fair vendor with customer
Artist explains artwork to audience
Artist demonstration at member meeting

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